July 13, 2010

Dollar Store Flip Flop Wreath


Normally I am VERY against fake flowers but I bought my first glue gun today (I know, how could I have lived without one for all of these years, right?) and needed something to try it out on.  I went to the Dollar Store and got all of the stuff for a summer wreath.  I’m visiting my mom at the coast right now and she said she wanted to decorate her porch with a bright beach theme, so that is what I was aiming for. 

I used:


5 bunches of fake flowers (5-6 stems each)

kid’s flip flops (I used size 9 because that was the smallest pair I could find but I think it would work better with a smaller size. Also, I sanded the writing off with medium grit sand paper)

wired ribbon

hot glue

florist wire or other thin wire

wreath form

I cut the flowers from the bunches leaving about an inch of stem attached to each flower.  Then I loaded a bloom up with glue and tucked it into the wreath.  I also added glue around the base of the flower once it was attached to the wreath for extra security. 




Once all of the flowers were on the wreath, I made a bow by folding wired ribbon into three layers and securing the middle of the bow with floral wire. I left long ends on the wire so I could wrap them around the wreath to attach the bow.



Because the flip flops block the area where a regular wreath hanger (the ones shaped like a “J” that go over the back of a door) would go, I needed an alternative way to hang the wreath. After I attached the bow, I doubled a long piece of floral wire, wrapped it around the wreath next to the bow and then twisted the ends into a thumb-size loop. 

To attach the flip flops, I first glued them together and then glued a short length of ribbon to the back of them.  Then I glued the other end of the ribbon to the wreath.  I’m sure there is a better, more attractive way to do this but it worked and no one is going to see the back of the wreath (except for you).


Ugly, huh? But then you turn it around and…


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